Plant Nutrient Oversight
PNOC Overview
Plant Nutrient Oversight Committee Purpose, Structure, and Role
- Purpose: Provide standing authority to define and maintain the internal consistency and scientific integrity of IFAS nutrient management recommendations for Florida agricultural and horticultural crops.
- Structure:
- Authority comes from UF/IFAS SVP, delegated to the Deans for Research and Extension as Co-Chairs.
- Core PNOC consists of 14 members, roughly half IFAS Administrators and half senior faculty with a nutrient management background.
- PNOC meets as needed to conduct business using a hybrid in-person and Zoom format.
- Sub-committees composed of nutrient management research/extension faculty will develop specific IFAS nutrient recommendations and management systems.
- Role:
- Prioritize commodities and associated nutrients that require IFAS nutrient management recommendation changes.
- Define the standard format for an IFAS nutrient management recommendation.
- Develop a standard process for faculty to follow when updating IFAS recommendations.
- Set criteria that faculty must meet to change an IFAS recommendation.
- Evaluate faculty proposals to change IFAS recommendations, and vote to approve, return for revision, or deny.
- Engage stakeholders in two-way communication about PNOC activities.
PNOC Membership
Rank Location Notes Administrators Rob Gilbert Dean/Professor Campus Co-chair Andra Johnson Dean/Professor Campus Co-chair Saqib Mukhtar Associate Dean/Professor Campus ANR Ext Prog Leader Michael Dukes Nutrient Management Program Director Campus Water Mgt Jay Ferrell Agronomy Chair/Professor Campus Agron rep Chris Gunter Horticultural Sciences Chair/Professor Campus Hort Sci rep Eric Simonne District Dir Ext/Professor Campus Nutr Mgt Vacant Interim Environmental Horticulture Chair/Professor Campus Env Hort rep Samira Daroub Everglades REC Dir/Professor EREC REC rep, Nutr Mgt Faculty Rao Mylavarapu Professor Campus Nutr Mgt Sanjay Shukla Professor SWFREC Water/Nutr Mgt Lincoln Zotarelli Professor Campus Water/Nutr Mgt Cheryl Mackowiak Associate Professor NFREC Nutr Mgt Other Jerry Fankhauser Associate Dir, Florida Ag. Experiment Station Campus Scribe - PNOC Meeting 19 October 2022
- PNOC Meeting 13 February 2023
- PNOC Meeting 3 May 2023
- PNOC Meeting 13 Sep 2023
- PNOC Meeting 30 Jan 2024